

2021年3月27日 - 8分钟阅读


也许这是上帝安排的时间, 但在很多方面,当克里斯托·罗森塔尔(水晶罗森塔尔) 02年毕业时,我感觉并不完美, MCAA 07年, was named CUI interim athletic director the very month (March 2020) that the world went into Covid lockdowns. 但是罗森塔尔, 他自称是“协和女神的忠实拥护者”,在掌舵, the athletic department’s response and strategy helped CUI set the standard for operating sports programs safely during a season of restrictions.

“当时是全体船员齐心协力的局面,罗森塔尔谈到了她在新岗位上的第一天遇到的情况. “我们都知道这将是一个挑战.” 

At that time, nobody fathomed that some schools would remain closed for the rest of the year. 输掉春季运动对运动员和教练来说已经够难受的了. 

“对我这个垒球教练来说, 停止在一起和竞争是毁灭性的,罗森塔尔说. “我强烈地感觉到,人们需要和一些正常的人在一起, 做一些运动员习惯做的运动.” 

全国其他体育主管和教练也有同样的感受, 但在2020年秋天,是CUI引领了重返赛场的潮流, 安全有效, 结果就是, Rosenthal fielded calls from many athletics leaders and coaches in other states seeking her advice. 

“Our athletics team 在这里 at 肯考迪娅 takes pride in the work that went into this response, 以及我们校园的团结, how everyone came together to pull off something not many people in California have done,她说。. “小康考迪亚·欧文干的. 我认为它使我们进入了一个新时代,进入了一个新阶段. We’re going to be a little different, cutting edge, not afraid to be the best 肯考迪娅 we can be. I tell my teams, don’t worry about what everybody else is doing — worry about what we’re doing."



But in the initial stages, no sports were competing, causing real frustration among student-athletes. 

“They lost sports seasons and social lives at the most social time of their lives,罗森塔尔说. “当你失去了自己热爱的东西,失去了做这件事的能力,这是真的. 它是无情的和尝试的, but our student-athletes adapted well and trusted the coaching staff and the University.”

Rosenthal met twice a week with PacWest conference representatives and was in close contact with CUI's 卫生署署长, 米歇尔的laab, 与奥兰治县卫生保健机构密切合作的人. 但每一次,事情似乎又重新开始了, 新的限制措施砰然关上了大门, 从事副业本校. 过了一会儿, 大型学院和大学, 包括整个犯罪现场系统, 宣布它们将在2020年全年保持在线. 

那时,在新总统的领导下, Dr. 迈克尔·托马斯。他决定另辟蹊径. 听取学生和其他CUI选民的意见, 他和内阁制定了开放学生宿舍的计划, 提供有限的面对面课程, 让运动员回来参加比赛, 不管他们的季节如何.

“It was cool that the leadership wasn’t looking around to see what everyone else was doing,罗森塔尔说. “Dr. 托马斯说,‘你觉得我们能成功吗?’我们说,‘我们认为我们可以. 我们有个很好的计划.“很高兴看到康科迪亚成为尝试新事物的领导者.” 

学生 especially expressed eagerness to return and compete in whatever way they could. 

“学生 were willing to come back to campus even though they were taking classes online in their dorms,罗森塔尔说. “他们想和队友在一起, 满足他们的身心需要, 精神上, 身体上和情感上, 正规赌博十大平台排行创造了什么. 这就是我们在一起的原因:我们都想要同样的东西, 所以我们静观其变, 我们齐心协力,尽我们所能向前走. We said we’re going to do this as safely and resourcefully and competitively as we can." 

罗森塔尔和她的团队Glory Fung, 率先取得领先布列塔尼Pereda, 安德里亚富, and Ben Rosehart war-roomed the situation early on and began to plan what the fall might look like. 

罗森塔尔说:“你只需要弄清楚. “我们拿着白板走进一个房间,说,‘好吧,我们要这么做.’”


One challenge was creating enough space for all teams to lift weights without crowding together. 

“We don’t have enough space in a normal year to lift, so that’s a challenge anyway,罗森塔尔说. “如果我们要在秋天回来,并试图让它发生, 我们不得不分散行动,准备更多的设备. 它被接触太多次,无法有效清洁. 这就是我们开始的地方.” 

我强烈地感觉到人们需要一些正常的东西, 做一些运动员习惯做的运动.

蒂姆Odle, 副总统, 正规赌博十大平台排行, 注册及设施服务, 同意额外购买砝码, 平台等设备将健身房的数量从1个扩大到4个. 他的团队还增加了户外举重和锻炼区域, 并为每个设施提供清洁车. 

“我们有清洁车,我们称之为捉鬼敢死队机器. 你可以很快地清理所有的东西. 这非常有帮助,”罗森塔尔说. “我们的学生运动员做得很好,因为这已经成为他们日常生活的一部分.” 

Rosenthal’s leadership team then scheduled each sports team for each weight room at a specific time, 在NCAA关于如何应对每项运动风险的指导方针的帮助下. Then the CUI athletics team created its own internal master document to map out how to return each team to campus, 学生运动员将住在哪里,和谁住在一起, 以及团队如何开始练习. 

罗森塔尔说:“这需要校园里大量的团队合作. “对于我们这样规模的大学来说,544名运动员太多了. Figuring out how to serve that population, we had to be resourceful and work well as a team. 我们有一个小而强大的团队完成了这一切.” 

偏好于, 卫生署署长, proved a critically important resource for Rosenthal’s teams and their abundance of questions. 因为他们的计划, CUI was the only university in the PacWest conference’s SoCal area to bring student-athletes back to campus as early as it did, 比别人早一两个月开始练习. 不仅如此, but outbreaks were limited — mostly driven by social contact outside of games and practices — and never forced teams to stop practicing. 

出于这个原因, other athletic directors and coaches nationwide — including PacWest Commissioner Bob Hogue — sought advice from Rosenthal’s team on how to create models and procedures allowing teams to return to play. 

“They were encouraged simply by the fact that we were opening and moving forward,罗森塔尔说. “他们问了我们很多关于我们如何进行测试的问题? 我们要怎么回去训练? 我们的程序是怎样的?” 

She freely shared the internal document they had created with athletics directors in NCAA Divisions I and II across the country. 该文件强调了令人关切的问题以及如何解决这些问题, 规划如何重返赛场. 

“Across the board, athletics directors and coaches leaned on each other,罗森塔尔说. “通常情况下,你不想向竞争对手寻求帮助,但这是所有人都在甲板上. 没有别人你就无法竞争.” Still, with teams coming back, it wasn’t clear the Eagles would even have anybody to play. 


“没人知道接下来会发生什么,”罗森塔尔说. “我们没有时间表. A large public school conference in California had announced they weren’t participating in the fall. 现在我们正忙得不可开交,因为我们需要足够多的游戏来满足最小的时间表.学生们也需要额外的时间来恢复到比赛日的状态. 

“Many of our student-athletes didn’t have access to a gym and hadn’t been doing any training,罗森塔尔说. “我们从非常低风险的东西开始,一点一点地介绍锻炼. 我们有一个基于百分比的模型来计算你能举起多少东西.”


Rosenthal had played softball for the Eagles — catcher and third base positions — and served in a variety of roles on campus: assistant coach, 校内体育主任, 健身中心接待员, 学术顾问, 垒球总教练,现在是体育主管. 但现在,她的战略思维增加了价值. 

“我是一个没有什么天赋的运动员, but what made me good was that I was knowledgeable of the field and unders太d my teammates and their motivations,她说。. “Those were my natural gifts — seeing a bigger picture and figuring out what my role needed to be to help the team win.” 

整个夏天, the administration dropped the “interim” from Rosenthal’s title and gave her a clear path to lead the program into the future. “我爱这个地方,相信上帝在这里创造了神奇的东西,”她说. “我对自己在这里获得的机会感到惊讶. 你必须热爱你所做的事情,努力实现我们所做的.”


When restrictions were finally lifted enough so that the Eagles men’s basketball team could travel to Pepperdine to play their first game, “这就像在球场上观看奇迹,罗森塔尔说. “我甚至不在乎我们做得怎么样. 今年的重点甚至不是比赛. 能亲眼见到我们的运动员真是太好了, 穿过健身房, 正轨, 在校园里看到老鹰队的球衣. Winning has been secondary — though I will not be saying that when softball seasons starts. 我曾想知道正规赌博十大平台排行是否会回归,或者这一切已经结束了?” 

她说,她的团队非常感谢奥巴马博士. Thomas and the University leadership for the faith they placed in the athletics staff. “Dr. 托马斯信任他手下的人,这一点非常重要。. “Dr. 克鲁格是, 太, and the administration has allowed athletics to run athletics and supported us in doing that.” 

随着体育比赛的重新开始, 学生们“很想重新聚在一起,做自己喜欢的事情。,罗森塔尔说. “这就是我每天坚持下去的原因.由于崔的帮助,全国各地的许多节目都有同样的感觉.



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